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Schedule Of Events



Friday, October 12


Free admission. No registration necessary. 
1 pm - 2 pm - Lauren Park - Getting Started: Introduction to Beekeeping

2 pm - 2:45 pm - Professor Pierre Giovenazzo

3 pm - 3:45 pm - Jan Tarr - "Honey, I'm Home! Proper labeling and movement of honey to ensure traceability."

This session is for anyone selling honey.  Jan Tarr, Regional Program Officer, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, will answer all your questions on proper labeling and movement of honey.  During this interactive workshop, Jan will go over the most current guidelines for labeling honey, ensuring traceability and correct movement of both bulk and bottled honey.  She will also answer your questions related to these topics.

4 pm - 5 pm - Lauren Park - Four Seasons of Beekeeping

6 pm - 7:30 pm - Keynote Address - Pierre Giovenazzo  

Professor Giovenazzo will be speaking on the following topics:

Sustaining honeybee health

Maintaining health status of honeybee colonies is a major concern for beekeepers. Various parasites and pathogens are responsible for unsustainable declines of honeybee populations over the past decade. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new tools to treat and prevent honeybee diseases that are efficient, sustainable and safe for the honeybee. The nutritional approach is straightforward, and it has proved its efficiency in improving health for various farm animals. As nutritional supplements, specific probiotic strains may improve significantly colony survival, performance and disease resistance.  This workshop, led by Professor Pierre Giovenazzo, will explore the use of probiotics and their potential to improve honeybee health. 


Improve honey bee health through selection and breeding

Professor Giovenazzo will discuss his research team’s fascinating work in developing a breeding program to improve the health of the honey bee.   This work is based on stock performance assessments and controlled crosses of selected lines to improve desirable traits. One of the most damaging pests of the honey bee is the Varroa mite.  Professor Giovanazzo’s work involves the selection of a behavioral trait of the bees allowing them to protect themselves against this deadly parasite.


Saturday, Oct 13

10 am - 4pm - Marketplace open. Free Admission 




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