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Central Beekeepers Association of NB


The CBA is dedicated to providing a forum for beekeepers to share information on beekeeping, to encourage and provide support for new beekeepers. Below you will see some of the events/services organised by the CBA in central New Brunswick, Canada.


The CBA hosts regular meetings, generally the first Tuesday of every month. Our meetings are held in the meeting room at the EXIT Realty Offices at 461 St Mary's Street, Fredericton north. The building has ample parking and is set back from the road, so just look for the EXIT sign.



At these meetings we take time to discuss our future activities, but we usually accompany those somewhat dry discussions with a presentation on an aspect of beekeeping. These range from, spring and fall feeding regime, disease identification, comb honey production, mite treatments, equipment show-and-tell sessions etc. The meetings always conclude with time for participants to ask questions, raise issues they are facing and generally share ideas with one another. This is a great opportunity for new beekeepers to get the help they need throughout the season.

Field Days


The CBA usually hosts several field days each season. Field days are opportunities for local current and future beekeepers to visit an apiary and gain experience from one another by comparing practices. Ocasionally, the Provincial Apiary Inspector may join us to show how to inspect for problems.


Usually, participants will bring their own bee jackets/hoods and gloves, but if you do not have this equipment, and are interested in attending there are usually some spares on hand.



We are in the process of planning what we hope will become an annual "Introduction to Beekeeping" workshop. This will include components of lecture, hands on experience with hive parts and equipment, and also some exposure to the real thing - bees and the hives!


Field Day with the Provincial apiary Inspector

Social Events


All our meetings end up having a component of socialising! What better way to learn about bee keeping than just chatting, so it is important that even our regular bee meetings have time for this interaction.


In addition to the reguar meetings we often host annual honey tastings, a Christmas get-together.....

Discussion Board


We have generated an online discussion board that enables subscribers to post topics that all ~75 members will receive. You can post questions, report a swarm, sell or buy items. 


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