Resource Links
Where to buy nucs in New Brunswick
Paul Vautour - Moncton. Nucs available after June 1st. Email:, phone: 506-388-5127
Nader, (506)450-5445 Email
The Bee Store, Maugerville. 357 5444.
Maritime Bee, St. Stephen. 466 3844.
Rob Hughes, Upper Kingsclear. Overwintered nucs available. Email to order.
Murray Forgrave, Apohaqui NB. 433 5323.
Bruce Hutton, Sussex NB. 434 2060.
Local Beekeeping Supply Stores
The Bee Store, Maugerville, NB (offers 10% discount to CBA members with membership card!)
Maritime Bee, St. Stephen. 466 3844.
Queen bee suppliers
Allard Apiaries - Buckfast breeder. 506-366-2196.
Paul Vautour - Moncton. Raises Carniolan queens. Contact details above.
Ferguson Apiaries, Hensall, Ontario. Suppliers of Buckfast queens.
Miels D'Anicet, Ferme-Neuve, Quebec. Breeders of Italian and Carniolan type VSH queens. Excellent customer service.
Beekeeping Supplies online
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International Resources
All about bees
Beekeeping Practices
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Member Links
Rob's Nuc Sales
Overwintered nucleus colonies with locally raised queens (Buckfast/Italian)
Nader's Nuc Sales & Services
5 frames nuc, newly mated queen, wooden box, delivery for end of Jun - early July at $215.00
Initial setup, and one-hour demonstration, and basic beekeeping course available (min. $150.00).
Rough sawn super & medium box (to promote the propolis envelop), full two inches (reduce the stress related to temperature fluctuation)
Pollination service for large growers or city and small-scale gardeners
Hive sharing program
Contact: Nader, (506)450-5445