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Beekeeping During COVID-19

This is a summary of what is happening in New Brunswick that may affect your beekeeping operations or plans for the year in 2020 due to the COVID situation.  It will be updated every so often.  If members have additional information please let the CBA Executive know (email centralbeekeepers*at*, replace *at* with the at sign) so we can keep our membership informed.


Spring Supplies

Locally in Fredericton the Bee Store is operating.  Do not just show up at the store. Orders need to be placed and paid for by phone (357 5444) and pickup of the order arranged.  For supplies not locally available the mainline suppliers seem to be operating for on-line ordering (see the links section)


NUCS: The Bee Store will not be bringing in nucs for sale this summer as they usually do.  Those looking for nucs will need to deal with suppliers directly.   Check the links section for suppliers of nucleus colonies.


Restrictions on Beekeeping

There are no specific new government restrictions so far on beekeeping activities.  However your activities need to be planned and carried out respecting the interpersonal distancing rules set by the province.  All other existing rules and regulations remain in place.



Details of how the usual summer inspections of colonies by the province will be handled have not been finalized, based on a call to the chief inspector, but are expected to proceed, bearing in mind the need for keeping people apart.  


Veterinary services

Vets are operating to cover emergencies only.  In beekeeping, an emergency would be discovering American Foulbrood in your colonies, or suspecting you may have it. In this case you can call the emergency veterinary response number, 1 888 622 4742.  A reminder that since December 2018 a veterinary prescription is needed to obtain a range of antimicrobial drugs including oxytetracycline and tylosin. Details of these requirements can be found here and here.


New Beekeepers

If you are a new beekeeper and need help or advice, make use of your mentor if you have one.  If you do not have a mentor, you can email centralbeekeepers*at* and you will be connected with someone who can help you, via email or phone.


Updated April 13 2020

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