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Maritime Honey Festival

October 12th & 13th, 2018

Capital Exhibit Centre, 361 Smythe Street, Fredericton, NB 


Plan to "bee" at the Maritime Honey Festival, proudly hosted by the Central Beekeepers Association of New Brunswick.

Friday October 13th - Workshops - 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

                                          Keynote Speaker - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

see our Schedule of Events page for more info on workshops and speakers 


Saturday October 14th - Marketplace 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Free admission. There will be wide variety of goods for sale from our many vendors at our market! See our Exhibitor List for details on this year's vendors.    







Find the Maritime Honey Festival on Facebook!

  • Wix Facebook page

The aim of the Maritime Honey Festival is to promote the beekeeping industry and its products, along with educating on the importance of beekeeping to the environment and to our overall health and wellness.

*Offer conservation, environmental, and other like-minded groups a platform to promote a common message
*Promote commerce amongst the stakeholder of the beekeeping industry
* Create an informative and enjoyable event for all those who attend
* Provide a showcase for the beekeeping industry
* Provide the public an opportunity to meet, greet, ask questions and purchase raw honey and honey related products direct from the beekeeper
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