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2018 Exhibitor List

Anther & Apiary, Truro, NS


Atlantic Gold by Lockhart Apiaries Inc., Allison, NB

Bleuets NB Blueberries, Fredericton, NB


Canadian Honey Council


Central Beekeepers Association of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB


Conservation Council of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB


Country Fields Beekeeping Supplies Ltd, Waverly, NS


Elbridge Gilmore and Family Farm, Keswick Ridge, NB


Fletcher & Mary Colpitts, Glenvale, NB


Fredericton Botanic Garden Association, Fredericton, NB


Greener Village Community Food Centre, Fredericton, NB


Hivetronics, Dartmouth, NS


Holiday Inn & Suites, Fredericton, NB


Leisure Acres Farm / Athena Designs, Scotch Lake, NB


Maple Lane Apiary, NB


New Brunswick Beekeepers Association


Nova Scotia Beekeepers Association


Pollen Angels by Sunset Heights Meadery and Apiary, McLeod Hill, NB


Propolis-etc, Saint-Mathieu de Beloeil, QC


Rob's Honey and Garlic, Keswick Ridge, NB


Sweet Spoons, Fredericton, NB


The Bee Store, Maugerville, NB

















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